“Dance first, Think later. It’s the natural order.” -Samuel Beckett

T. 857-891-3203

Available 10–10pm. 6 days a week.

26 New Street STE 3, Cambridge (Fresh Pond)


  • Book private lessons for social, wedding, or competitive ballroom dancing. Private Lesson Discount Packages available.

    Introductory Lesson is $60

    Private Lesson is $120

    All lessons are 50min long.

  • Ballroom dance coaching for universities and dance studios in all dance styles. Contact me for inquires.

  • Available for adjudicating NDCA and WDC events. Contact me for inquiries.

Introductory private Lesson

Congrats! You made it this far. Book an Introductory Lesson for only $60 and start your dance journey here.